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Dealing With Covid19

Writer's picture: JBJB

Im sure we all agree with the fact that Covid19 has impacted your world. Well it sure has impacted the NFL and fantasy football.



Wear a mask....stay six feet apart....avoid large groups of people. All bad for football but required for now. If you have seen pictures or videos of the NFL lately, you will see they are following the protocols. But in reality, people will catch this virus. So we must prepare now to avoid the headache later. Here are some things to consider.

  1. Draft Online or Open Area

  2. Extend Your Bench/IR Spots

  3. Have a Plan For Your League

  4. Consider Co-Owners/Co-Commish

Let me explain real quick. Drafting online or in an open area will still give you the opportunity to enjoy your draft with your league. If you draft online maybe have a Zoom call on the side? If you draft in an open area and stay distant and safe, you will still have the same effect as a normal live draft.

Extend the bench or IR spots. This is simple, we are already seeing players on the Covid list. We are already seeing websites extend the IR spots. I say do either or, this year is very unpredictable, best to have it done now then to but stuck with a bunch of players that can't play.

Have a plan for your league, what if the year gets cut short? Do you pay out the winners as is? Or do you give everyone their money back? Better if you figure out this now just in case the worst comes.

Consider co-owners or co-commish. Look no one likes to share a team, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to have someone there who can help you out if something were to happen to you or someone close to you. Same goes with the commish, I think every league should have a co-commish regardless just because life happens.


The NFL and fantasy football have never been in this situation before. Its best to be ready and prepared for whatever may come. Stay safe and stay healthy!



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